i, like i'm sure a lot of you out there, don't have a big shopping budget. in actuality, most months i have $0 to spend on any type of clothing and accessories (much like this month). when you have a blog where the majority of your posts are personal style photos, it can become a bit discouraging (i.e. you just stop blogging). you don't want readers to get bored with seeing repeat outfits or a lack of trendy looks. i have to rely on  thrifting, crazy sale items or being really, really creative with remixing my looks. i originally started this blog as a way to expand and take more risks with my personal style. i personally feel like i've grown and have become more secure with my style. but, i've also felt like i always had to have something new or trendy to share. with that said, i've decided to re-brand my little corner of the internet with shoe string budget looks and an abundance of remixing. my hope is to be re inspired by items i already have in my closet, and maybe inspire you a little in the process. thank you for reading! 

xo jac 


  1. Can't wait to see your outfits Jac...old or new!

    The Other Side of Gray

  2. Hiya dear, i actually think its more interesting to see how bloggers style the same pieces in different ways, its more realistic. Happy Friday!

  3. totally relate and can't wait to see what's next for you! =) Personally, I think it's more intriguing to see how you style pieces in different ways vs. trying to see new things all the time. But I totally get it!


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